Color Vision Doyennes; FLTY BRGR GRL
Photo Paulina Tamara Cid
Beatrix grew up in Sola, she’s always been into music but started a bit late, thankfully inspired by riot grrrls. She has a thing for love stories, her guilty pleasure especially are high school movies, and she is extremely scared of seagulls. Sarah grew up in Oslo, she studied music in school and has always known that she wanted to be a musician. Sarah loves to annoy and tease her friends, her guilty pleasure is the Spice Girls, and she is afraid of fireworks.
Growing up we both felt socially awkward, and we both talk before thinking. That been said, we’ve learned to embrace all that, and feel like it is our superpower. Being weird is awesome.
Photo Øystein Grutle Haara
How did FLTY BRGR GRL come to life?
We met at a summercamp where we coincidentally ended up sharing a room sleeping in bunkbeds. We would talk all night and bond over stories about unrequited love. This was the start of our friendship but also the start of FLTY BRGR GRL, only we didn’t know that yet.
Later on Beatrix went on a solo trip to Los Angeles after an exsistential crisis to get a fresh perspective, cliché enough 😂 On her last day she had a soul searching meal at an In & Out burger shop. A juicy, greasy, dirty burger.
The name FLTY BRGR GRL just popped in my head and I knew I had to start this project. I asked Sarah if she wanted to join me and she immidiately said yes, and the rest is history ❤️
Photo Øystein Grutle Haara
You performed at Vill Vill Vest last thursday, how was it?
Playing at Vill Vill Vest was amazing! It was our first live concert with an audience and with a full band. We felt very dressed for the part, some people find it weird that what you’re wearing makes a difference - but it gave us that extra boost of confidence. We loved seeing people smile, and we had so much fun. We’re grateful that we actually got to play and get that festival-feel - for a moment the world felt normal.
Photo Øystein Grutle Haara
FLTY BRGR GRL uses a lot of lovely, dream pink tones - what is your relationship with color?
Colors inspire us so much! We love pastels, and yes, pink! We kind of like all the cute colors because there is also something badass and empowering about them. When we’re making music we want to reflect that pink vibe.
Photo Paulina Tamara Cid
After watching your concert at Vill Vill Vest I want more! Tell me what's the plan going forward?
We’re releasing a new single, «Sweet Boy», in the new year, hopefully we can do more concerts and we’re especially looking forward to releasing our debut album «Love You Forever».
Photo Øystein Grutle Haara
FLTY BRGR GRL shot by Paulina Tamara Cid, backstage and concert pictures by Øystein Grutle Haara.
Sarah wears BRIGITTE Top and culottes, Beatrix wears MIA Mikado dress.
Earrings by Unnears.